When should you do a wedding hair trial?


Let the stylist interpret your particular style by taking a photo of your dress. Get as many other info as you can, like photographs of the hallway, the bridesmaids’ dress color, and the kinds of favors you are going to get to get your vision.

  • If you have heard these things, book a consultation or doing a wedding hair trial is must. Be cautious about the mood of the first meeting. The consultation is not only about hair, but about getting comfortable. If you do not want to pay attention to the nuances or the stylist does not please you. Look around the living room, too, is that clean? Is that up-to-date? The first impressions are very important.

  • Armed with the so-called “tear pads” in the fashion world, choose as many hairstyles as you can. Track and tear pages in hairstyle magazines as well as in wedding magazines. Browse the web to see the real brides and copy the images in the word document to be printed. Put them in a folder and keep them going for your wedding planner.
  • If you have got your headpiece, take it to the test. Often your “dream” hairstyle does not suit your head. The test run will help you decide which header you want to match your hairstyle, or what hairstyle is best for your treasured headpiece or ornamentation. If you have a lot of options, try them all. That is the purpose of the trial.

  • Bring your friend or relative to their honest opinion for having a hair trial for a wedding. Make sure you have got a camera and take a look at the winning idea. Normally, a trial is not ready for a wedding day. It is a test and a guide. It is just as much for the designer as it is for you. She needs to get used to her hair and know what is possible or what she is supposed to do.